Thursday, May 7, 2009

What to do after car accident

Although unpleasant to consider, which is a good idea to be aware of what to do immediately after the accident, if not for the benefit of your car insurance claim, at least for your safety. These moments can be disorientating, confusing and stressful, but at least with the correct procedures can other complications, even after it is over.

The first thing to remember, after every accident, no matter how unserious as it seems, is to stop safely to assess any damage that may result from vehicles or goods. Take-up, without a stop at a later stage could be seen as careless and another party may be subject to arrest. If you press the emergency lane of the highway and it is necessary to wait for help, the driver and passengers should try to wait at a safe distance from the vehicle and the road.

Assume that no one is injured, and rescue services may not be logged, you should get detailed information on everyone involved, as witnesses. This includes full names and phone numbers and addresses and license plates of vehicles. If you have a driver you should be prepared to provide information about your insurance, your insurance and your policy number, which you asked for.

Then it makes sense to the accident scene. It is better to be in detail how you can and should draw a picture or sequence of drawings of the chain of events, including the location of vehicles and witnesses. Recently, mobile phones and digital cameras were also used to keep records of all relevant aspects (eg the weather or damage, etc.), the scene immediately after the accident.

Finally, one of the most important issues relating to insurance should not accept that an obligation or any financial aid, because it can cause your car insurance invalid. You must remember that the faults are always the best decision after the examination and discussion of the insurance companies, which could affect every aspect of the event.

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